"I feel it’s a perfect way to remember Charlie, not in a sad way but in a way that will bring a smile."
Gill |
In memory of 'cheeky' Charlie. Charlie was only 14 when he died, and it was his 10 year anniversary in 2022. He was a fun-loving, vibrant and happy boy. He was very musical, creative and sporty, playing hockey at top level which was his main love and passion.
Gill, his mum, commissioned this piece after hearing me speak on Radio 4. She wanted the box to capture a snapshot of Charlie's energy & life, giving people 'permission' to start a conversation about him.
Gill got in touch 18 months after hearing me on Radio 4. She told me she wanted to create a memory box using objects belonging to her son.
I replied to her email and gave more information about my process. She confirmed she wanted to go ahead. A few weeks later, we had a video call where she showed me the objects she’d gathered together. We talked about these special items and I gave suggestions for other things she might like to think about. After that initial chat, Gill travelled to my house from London with a friend. Most customers post their items to me, but Gill wanted to deliver them herself and meet me at the same time. After a cup of tea, we laid everything out on my dining table and she talked me through the objects, one by one. Each item connected with beautiful stories about Charlie and his interests. |
When I was ready to start the project, I laid everything out again and had a video call with Gill to agree on the size, cost, layout – and what objects were going into the box. Once that was agreed, I ordered the frame and started making.
In the previous calls, we had discussed each individual item and whether she was happy for me to fix it into the box completely, or if she wanted to be able to remove it and hold it. In the final box, some items were fixed. While others, like the sunglasses, boxer shorts, wallet, notebook and shirt were removable. As I worked on the box, I kept in touch with Gill. If there was something I wasn’t sure about, I sent a quick message to check. I never cut /trim anything before checking first. I also wanted to be clear on which way round Gill wanted certain items to be fixed, e.g. the hockey stick. |
"It’s been a truly lovely experience for me. I feel it’s a perfect way to remember Charlie, not in a sad way but in a way that will bring a smile. I can’t wait to put it up on the wall.
It was always important that Charlie’s possessions were handled by someone I felt Charlie would have liked and with gentleness and kindness. You certainly fit that bill. So thank you." Gill |
"I still love coming down in the morning, seeing it on the wall and smiling to myself. It’s perfect. Thank you again."
You can find out more about the process of making a memory box here.
Are you thinking about a memory box commission? Please get in touch and we can talk through the process together. |