Memories often live in the simplest, most familiar things. I sensitively and respectfully create memory boxes to help people bring these treasured items together, so they can remember and celebrate the life of a loved one.
Creating memorial boxes is a considered and collaborative process. I work with you on a one-to-one basis to curate your cherished objects and ensure the final composition perfectly captures the precious stories you wish to tell. You can view some of my memory box commissions below, but do get in touch if you’d like to discuss anything further. Find out more about the process and costs here. As featured on BBC Radio 4, May 2020. (24 min in) |
Ann's Box of Treasures
"I thought Katherine's memory boxes were such a lovely idea as I was struggling to know what to do with lots of bits & pieces of my mum's. We lost mum at the start of the pandemic but before that she had lived with dementia for many years.
Working with Katherine to build the box was a lovely, poignant and moving experience, particularly when finding and remembering why these objects were important and telling these stories to Katherine. I love the finished piece and I love the conversations about mum it has led to. It’s a wonderful piece of art in memory of a remarkable woman - my mum. Thank you Katherine." Jan In Memory of 'Cheeky Charlie'
In memory of 'cheeky' Charlie. Charlie was only 14 when he died, and it was his 10 year anniversary in 2022. He was a fun-loving, vibrant and happy boy. He was very musical, creative and sporty, playing hockey at top level which was his main love and passion. Gill, his mum, commissioned this piece after hearing me speak on Radio 4. She wanted the box to capture a snapshot of Charlie's energy & life, giving people 'permission' to start a conversation about him.
"It’s been a truly lovely experience for me. I feel it’s a perfect way to remember Charlie, not in a sad way but in a way that will bring a smile. I can’t wait to put it up on the wall. It was always important that Charlie’s possessions were handled by someone I felt Charlie would have liked and with gentleness and kindness. You certainly fit that bill. So thank you." Gill Family Memories
"My sisters and I have lost both our parents and we had so many of their things in boxes. It felt like a disservice to them not to treat their belongings with care. When I saw what Katherine could produce, I wanted to make it work for our own items.
Now, I should say from the start, it is an emotional process. I started by sorting some things for Katherine and gave them to her, but her interpretation of those items and how they should be placed really added to the wonderfulness of the finished product. For me this was an investment in the past which I can keep for the future. I found the process very rewarding and my sisters love their boxes too." Jackie |
Mamgu's (Grandma's) Boxes
"I absolutely love the boxes Katherine made to showcase Mamgu's things. For years I kept these things in drawers - trawling through them whenever I needed a quick fix of Mamgu. They are things most people would see as worthless - chipped ornaments, old Rimmel lipsticks, plastic rollers and 1970s serviettes - but to me they meant the world.
Separately, I couldn't enjoy them (who'd display a single empty Babycham bottle?) but by putting them together, in the wonderful way Katherine has, they now provide the perfect snapshot of what she was and what she loved. Instead of searching through drawers I can now conjure her by simply glancing at a wall. I feel like I've finally organised her things but I'm also now enjoying them on a daily basis, just like she did." Sian |
When Irish Eyes are Smiling
"The more days that passed, the harder it became to bring ourselves to tidy mum’s things. It just felt like we'd be packing away small pieces of Mum from her home and our lives. When I saw what Katherine had created for someone’s late grandmother's items, I knew we had to do this – it was just perfect.
There were several video chats throughout the whole process, which was so reassuring as we got to see that Katherine wasn't just a talented artist, but was also kind, and really cared about creating something beautiful for us. Those qualities were important to Mum. The whole experience was so cathartic, when we got the finished box home and presented it to Dad it really felt like a bit of the grief lifted. The clearing away of Mum's items had become a real burden for us, but to see them all displayed together in such a loving and creative way is a wonderful tribute to the most beautiful of people. And thanks to Katherine, Mum will always have pride of place in our house." Trev |
Grandma, are we going to the National Railway Museum?
" The box Katherine created for my wife was a perfect tribute to her late grandma. The detail used to present the objects was first class and really stands out as a work of art. Each time we look at the box another item jumps out to be enjoyed and remembered. We could not be happier with the outcome and also the personal service that Katherine herself provided. "
Kelly |
Trysorau Sioned | Sioned's Treasures
"I am absolutely delighted with Sioned’s box. Obviously a lot of thought has gone into planning the box - it is absolutely perfect. I cannot thank you enough. I am so grateful and glad that I heard about Katherine Jones and her memory boxes. People need to know about your ‘memory boxes’ and the pleasure they give to someone who has lost a loved one."
Nest |
In Memory of Steve
" When I lost my husband to cancer I was left with numerous objects scattered around the house which gave me a sad emotional jolt every time my eyes passed over them. I wondered if I should put them all together in a trunk but felt somehow that I would be locking him away.
When I heard about Katherine’s memory boxes on Radio 4, I instantly knew this was what I wanted. Katherine is a very warm, kind person who I felt connected to from our first conversation. She understands the power of objects to invoke a whole personality and is able to transform them into a piece of art. I love the memory box that she created for me. Rather than sadness, it gives me a warm feeling every time I pass it on the stairs. When I recently sent a photo of it to one of my husband’s close friends, he sent me a message back saying ‘That is Steve.’ " Sue |
For more examples of bereavement & memorial memory boxes, please click here.